Which fifteen labels would you use to describe yourself?

  • Labels

I was reading the ‘labels’ section down on the right hand side of this blog this morning and chuckling about how well the list of words described me (or at least how I like to see myself).

An edited selection of the list: authenticity, bad jokes, being a writer, books, crazy person, disclipline, egogooglaholism, gratitude, growing things, letting go, ordinary things, paying attention, slowing down, yummy food, zen.
Come on then, what would your fifteen labels be? If you’ve got a list on your blog you can use that, and if not you can cheat!
There’s a particularly beautiful small stone at a handful of stones today, although of course they’re all beautiful. If you’d like them displayed on your own blog (like the one on the bottom right of Planting Words), just visit the widget-man.
If we’ne not already linked on Facebook, do come and say hello! I like it when people ask to be my friend…

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